Die Physik-Skript-Sammlung |
Diese Sammlung beinhaltet Vorlesungsmitschriften, die für nicht komerzielle Zwecke gefertigt wurden. Das Copyright der Skripten, und damit auch das Recht der eventuell späteren kommerziellen Verwertung liegt dennoch immer bei dem jeweiligen Authoren. Die Reihenfolge ist nach Sprache, dann alphabetisch Universitäten und Authoren geordnet. Bitte richten sie alle Anregungen, neue Links, Vervollständigung der Bezeichnungen, tote Links, Kritik, oder der Wunsch, ein Skript aus der Liste zu entfernen an mich.
zur Vorbereitung zum Physikstudium |
B3 alpha centauri |
-- |
-- |
BR3 |
Mathematical preparation course before Studying Physics |
Hefft |
2006 |
Heidelberg |
Mathematischer Vorkurs zum Studium der Physik |
Hefft |
2006 |
Heidelberg |
Vorkurs Physik (Mathematik) |
Klesse |
WS07/08 |
Köln |
Math Lectures / Workshop |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Stanford |
gefilmte Vorlesungen |
-- |
-- |
Tübingen |
Order of Magnitude Physics |
Phinney |
1999 |
Caltech |
Calculus |
Crowell |
2008 |
Fullerton, CA |
Conceptual Physics |
Crowell |
2008 |
Fullerton, CA |
Discover Physics |
Crowell |
2007 |
Fullerton, CA |
Simple Nature |
Crowell |
2008 |
Fullerton, CA |
The Modern Revolution in Physics |
Crowell |
2008 |
Fullerton, CA |
Einführung in die Mathematik der Physik |
Vorbereitungskurs zur Theoretischen Physik |
MüllerKrumbhaar… |
WS05/06 |
Aachen |
Einführung in die Theoretische Physik 2 |
Wacker |
WS02/03 |
Berlin |
Einführung in die Theoretische Physik 1 und 2 |
Fichtner |
2003 |
Bochum |
Theoretische Physik in 2 Semestern |
Klesse |
SS05 |
Bonn |
Was ist eigentlich Ruhemasse |
Noak |
SS06 |
Bremen |
Funktionalanalytische Methoden der Physik |
Lücke |
WS98/99 |
Clausthal |
Funktionentheoretische Methoden der Physik |
Lücke |
WS97/98 |
Clausthal |
Mathematische Methoden der Physik I |
Lücke |
WS04/05 |
Clausthal |
Mathematische Methoden der Physik II |
Lücke |
SS05 |
Clausthal |
Mathematischer Vorkurs |
Willer |
2007 |
Clausthal |
Algebra II |
Geyer |
WS03/04 |
Erlangen |
Analysis für Physiker II |
Geyer |
SS01 |
Erlangen |
Analysis für Physiker III |
Geyer |
WS01/02 |
Erlangen |
Analysis I |
Geyer |
WS99/00 |
Erlangen |
Analysis II |
Geyer |
SS00 |
Erlangen |
Analysis II für Physiker |
Geyer |
SS01 |
Erlangen |
Analysis III |
Geyer |
WS00/01 |
Erlangen |
Analysis III für Physiker |
Geyer |
WS01/02 |
Erlangen |
Theoretische Physik 1 |
Salmhofer |
WS08/09 |
Heidelberg |
Mathematische Methoden der Physik |
Wipf |
SS05 |
Jena |
Theoretsiche Ergänzungen zur Physik II |
Klesse |
SS04 |
Köln |
Zusammenfassung der Theoretische Physik in 2 Semestern |
Klesse |
SS05 |
Köln |
Mathematische Methoden der Physik |
Klümper |
WS98/99 |
Köln |
Mathematische Methoden der Physik |
Schadschneider |
WS08/09 |
Köln |
Mathematische Ergänzungen zur Physik I |
Krey |
WW99/00 |
Regensburg |
Mathe für Physiker I+II |
Wolff |
-- |
Tübingen |
Einführung in Funktionalanalysis |
Böhm & Reents |
WS05/06 |
Würzburg |
Formelsammlung Theoretische Physik |
Wagner… |
-- |
Würzburg |
Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis |
Collins |
2003 |
Cleveland OH |
Elementary Mathematical Methods for Physics |
Rau |
WS96/97 |
Dresden |
Calculus-Based Physics I |
Schnick |
2008 |
Manchester NH |
Calculus-Based Physics II |
Schnick |
2008 |
Manchester NH |
Mathematical Tools for Physics |
Nearing |
2003 |
Miami |
Complex Numbers and Ordinary Differential Equations |
Binney |
2002 |
Oxford |
Functions of a Complex Variable |
Binney |
-- |
Oxford |
Methods of Theoretical Physics I |
Pope |
2005 |
Texas A&M |
Methods of Theoretical Physics II |
Pope |
-- |
Texas A&M |
Höhere Mathematik für Physiker |
Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik |
Roepstorff |
2002 |
Aachen |
Mathematische Methoden der Feldtheorie |
Roepstorff |
-- |
Aachen |
Darstellungstheorie der Drehgruppen (Quantentheorie I) |
Schütte |
1995 |
Bonn |
Darstellungstheorie der Poincare-Gruppe (Quantentheorie II) |
Schütte |
SS92 |
Bonn |
Hilbertraum-Kompendium |
Noak |
WS03/04 |
Bremen |
LorenzGruppen-Fiedel |
Noak |
1998 |
Bremen |
Quantenmechanik des Wasserstoffatoms |
Noak |
WS95/96 |
Bremen |
Tensoranalysis --- eine Einführung |
Noak |
2001 |
Bremen |
Zeit- und Ortstranslationen in der nichtrelativistischen QM |
Noak |
SS06 |
Bremen |
Topology and Geometry for Physics |
Eschrig |
2008 |
Dresden |
Partielle Differentialgleichungen |
Timm |
SS03 |
Dresden |
Algebraische Zahlentheorie |
Geyer |
SS04 |
Erlangen |
Geschichte der antiken Mathematik |
Geyer |
SS01 |
Erlangen |
Geschichte der Mathematik im Mittelalter |
Geyer |
SS02 |
Erlangen |
Lineare Algebraische Gruppen |
Geyer |
WS01/02 |
Erlangen |
Symmetrien in der Physik |
Wipf |
SS07 |
Jena |
Symmetrien in der Physik |
Wipf |
SS06 |
Jena |
Gruppentheoretische Methoden in der Physik |
Wipf |
2003 |
Jena |
Dynamik Stochastischer Systeme: (Master/LangevinFokker) |
Janssen |
WS01/02 |
Köln |
Gruppentheorie |
Nattermann |
SS01 |
Köln |
Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik |
Krey |
SS03 |
Regensburg |
C-algebras Hilbert-modules and Quantum Mechanics |
Landsmann |
1998 |
Amsterdam |
About Symmetries in Physics |
Gieres |
1997 |
Lyon FR |
Park City Lectures on Mechanics Dynamics and Symmetry I |
Marsden |
1998 |
CalTech |
Mathematical Physics Theory |
Plenio |
2003 |
London UK |
Further Mathematical Methods |
Walet |
2002 |
Manchester UK |
Group Theory |
Binney |
-- |
Oxford |
Methods of Mathematical Physics I |
Mark Trodden |
1999 |
Syracuse NY |
Geometry and Group Theory |
Pope |
2007 |
Texas A&M |
Abramowitz and Stegun. Handbook of Mathematical Functions |
Bureau of Standards |
1972 |
Computational Physics |
Analysis I mit Maple |
Keller |
WS99/00 |
Erlangen |
Analysis II mit Maple |
Keller |
SS00 |
Erlangen |
Moderne Physik mit Maple |
Komma |
-- |
Tübingen |
Computational Physics |
Hinrichsen |
WS08/09 |
Würzburg |
Vorkurs Computational Physics |
Hinrichsen & Reents |
SS08 |
Würzburg |
Introduction to Monte Carlo methods |
Weinzierl |
2000 |
Amsterdam NL |
Introduction to Computational Physics |
Fitzpatrick |
-- |
Austin TX |
Computational Physics I |
Gonsalves |
2008 |
Buffalo |
Computational Physics II |
Gonsalves |
2008 |
Buffalo |
A practical guide to computer simulations |
Hartmann & Rieger |
2001 |
Goettingen |
Basic Computational Numerical Analysis |
McDonough |
2001 |
Kentucky |
Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations |
McDonough |
2008 |
Kentucky |
Computational Complexity for Physicists |
Mertens |
2000 |
Magdeburg |
Introduction to Monte Carlo |
Sokal |
1996 |
New York NY |
Numerical Simulations in Cosmology I: Methods |
Klypin |
2000 |
Computational Physics |
Furnstahl |
2008 |
Ohio |
Computational Physics I |
Hjorth-Jensen |
2007 |
Oslo SW |
Computational physics II |
Hjorth-Jensen |
2008 |
Oslo SW |
Introduction To Monte Carlo Algorithms |
Krauth |
1996 |
Paris Frau |
Monte Carlo: Basics |
Murthy |
2001 |
Tamil Nadu |
Evolution of Networks: From Biological Nets to the Internet |
Dorogovtsev |
2003 |
Trieste ITA |
Mechanik |
Mechanik |
Kastrup |
WS97/98 |
Aachen |
Mechanik |
Kull |
SS07 |
Aachen |
Theoretische Physik I (Lehramt) |
Kull |
SS05 |
Aachen |
Theoretische Physik II (Lehramt) |
Kull |
WS05/06 |
Aachen |
Spezielle Relativitätstheorie |
Rinke |
WS93/94 |
Aachen |
Mechanik |
Schnakenberg |
WS01/02 |
Aachen |
Mechanik |
Schnakenberg |
WS93/94 |
Aachen |
Mechanik |
Brand & Busse |
2006 |
Bayreuth |
Mechanik |
Schlickeiser |
WS02/03 |
Bochum |
Mechanik-Übung |
Zwicknagl |
WS99/00 |
Braunschweig |
Klassische Mechanik |
Kirchner |
WS05/06 |
Clausthal |
Spezielle Relativitätstheorie |
Lücke |
WS99/00 |
Clausthal |
Theoretische Physik I: Klassische Mechanik |
Lücke |
WS01/02 |
Clausthal |
Klassische Mechanik |
Blöchl |
2008 |
Clausthal TU |
Physik I |
Uhrig |
WS03/04 |
Dortmund |
Mechanik |
Soff |
WS94/95 |
Dresden |
Mechanik I+II |
Cassing |
2001 |
Giessen |
Mechanik |
Mitter |
-- |
Graz |
Mechanik |
Bender |
1999 |
Heidelberg |
Mechanik |
Horner |
SS03 |
Heidelberg |
Mechanik |
Wegner |
WS04/05 |
Heidelberg |
Theoretische Mechanik |
Welsch |
-- |
Jena |
Mechanik |
Wipf |
WS02/03 |
Jena |
Mechanik |
Wipf |
WS02/03 |
Jena |
Mechanik II |
Schön |
SS97 |
Karlsruhe |
Mechanik I |
Wölfle |
WS93/94 |
Karlsruhe |
Mechanik I |
Wölfle |
WS02/93 |
Karlsruhe |
Mechanik II |
Wölfle |
SS03 |
Karlsruhe |
Mechanik |
Altland |
WS02/03 |
Köln |
Mechanik |
Müller-Hartmann |
WS01/02 |
Köln |
Physik I |
Schadschneider |
WS04/05 |
Köln |
Mechanik |
Zirnbauer |
WS00/01 |
Köln |
Theoretische Physik I |
Ring |
WS 97/98 |
München |
Lineare dissipative Systeme |
Beck |
SS07 |
Stuttgart |
Mathematische Physik I - Klassische Mechanik |
Knauf & Seiler |
SS04 |
TU Berlin |
Theoretische Physik I (Mechanik) |
Hinrichsen |
2005 |
Würzburg |
Classical mechanics |
Fitzpatrick |
-- |
Austin TX |
Analytical Classical Dynamics |
Fitzpatrick |
-- |
Austin TX |
Classical Mechanics: An introductory course |
Fitzpatrick |
2005 |
Austin TX |
Foundations of Mechanics |
Abraham & Marsden |
1987 |
Caltech CA |
Lectures on Classical Dynamics |
Tong |
2005 |
Cambridge UK |
Introduction to Statics and Dynamics |
Ruina & Pratap |
2002 |
Cornell |
Solid Mechanics |
Rice |
2000 |
Harvard |
Hamilton's formalism for systems with constraints |
Wipf |
1997 |
Jena |
Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics |
Sussman… |
2001 |
Test problems in mechanics and special relativity |
Silagadze |
2006 |
Novosibirsk |
Relativity without tears |
Silagadze |
2007 |
Novosibirsk |
Classical Mechanics |
Binney |
2006 |
Oxford |
Theoretical Mechanics (Physics 419) |
Lammert |
-- |
Penn State |
Perturbation Theory |
Gallavotti |
2007 |
Rome |
The Elements of Mechanics |
Gallavotti |
2007 |
Rome |
Perturbation theory of dynamical systems |
Berglund |
2001 |
Zürich |
Elektrodynamik |
Elektrodynamik |
Kastrup |
SS99 |
Aachen |
Elektrodynamik |
Kull |
SS06 |
Aachen |
Theoretische Physik II (Lehramt) |
Kull |
WS05/06 |
Aachen |
Elektrodynamik |
Schnakenberg |
SS00 |
Aachen |
Elektrodynamik |
Schlickeiser |
SS03 |
Bochum |
Elektrodynamik |
Petry |
SS97 |
Bonn |
Theoretische Physik II: Elektrodynamik |
Lücke |
SS96 |
Braunschweig |
Die Elektrodynamik als lokale Eichtheorie |
Noack |
SS98 |
Bremen |
Die Maxwell-Gleichungen I |
Noack |
SS99 |
Bremen |
Die Maxwell-Gleichungen II |
Noack |
SS99 |
Bremen |
Das Noether-Theorem für Fussgänger |
Noak |
SS96 |
Bremen |
Elektrodynamik |
Blöchl |
SS03 |
Clausthal |
Elektrodynamik |
Kirchner |
2008 |
Clausthal |
Elektrodynamik |
Soff |
WS02/03 |
Dresden |
Klassische Elektrodynamik |
Kopietz |
Ws05/06 |
Frankfurt |
Elektrodynamik |
Cassing |
WS98/99 |
Giessen |
Elektrodynamik |
Mitter |
-- |
Graz |
Elektrodynamik |
Fredenhagen |
WS98/99 |
Hamburg |
Elektrodynamik |
-- |
-- |
Heidelberg |
Electrodynamics |
Wegner |
SS01 |
Heidelberg |
Elektrodynamik |
Wegner |
SS01 |
Heidelberg |
Elektrodynamik |
Welsch |
-- |
Jena |
Elektrodynamik |
Wipf |
WS06/07 |
Jena |
Elektrodynamik |
Wipf |
WS06/07 |
Jena |
Elektrodynamik |
Hollik |
SS98 |
Karlsruhe |
Elektrodynamik |
Vojta |
WS05 |
Karlsruhe |
Classical Elektrodynamics |
Altland |
-- |
Köln |
Physik II |
Schadschneider |
SS05 |
Köln |
Physik II |
Schadschneider |
SS05 |
Köln |
Elektrodynamik |
Zirnbauer |
SS98 |
Köln |
Theoretische Elektrodynamik und Optik (LA) |
Krey |
SS02 |
Regensburg |
Elektrodynamik |
Müther |
WS99/00 |
Tübingen |
Elektrodynamik |
Graf |
2008 |
Zürich |
Advanced Classical Electromagnetism (PHY387K) |
Fitzpatrick |
1996 |
Austin TX |
Classical Electromagnetism |
Fitzpatrick |
-- |
Austin TX |
Classical Electrodynamics and Theory of Relativity |
Sharipov |
2003 |
Bashkir |
Electrodynamics |
Jarrell |
2000 |
Cincinnati, OH |
Classical Electrodynamics |
Altland |
-- |
Köln |
Electromagnetic Theory and Computation: A Topological Approach |
Gross & Kotiuga |
2004 |
Classical Fields |
Binney |
2006 |
Oxford |
Electromagnetic Theory I |
Pope |
2008 |
Texas A&M |
Electromagnetic Theory II |
Pope |
2008 |
Texas A&M |
Electromagnetic Field Theory |
Thide |
2008 |
Uppsala SWE |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Tatum |
2007 |
Victoria CAN |
Quantenmechanik I |
Quantenmechanik |
Kastrup |
WS96/97 |
Aachen |
Algebraische Methoden der Quantentheorie |
Keyl |
SS97 |
Berlin |
Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik |
Wüst |
Berlin |
Quantenmechanik |
Schlickeiser |
WS04/05 |
Bochum |
Quantenmechanik |
Meissner & Speth |
WS01/02 |
Bonn |
Quantentheorie I |
Petry |
WS99/00 |
Bonn |
Quantentheorie I |
Schütte |
WS91/92 |
Bonn |
Quantenmechanik |
Werner |
WS95/96 |
Braunschweig |
Quantenmechanik-Übung |
Zwicknagl |
WS98/99 |
Braunschweig |
Quantum Theory |
Blöchl |
2006 |
Clausthal |
Quantum Mechanics |
Kirchner |
2007 |
Clausthal |
Quantenmechanik |
Soff |
WS96/97 |
Dresden |
Quantentheorie I |
Soff |
SS02 |
Dresden |
Prinzipien der Quantentheorie |
van Hees |
2008 |
Giessen |
Quantentheorie |
Mitter |
-- |
Graz |
Quantenmechanik I |
Fredenhagen |
WS00/01 |
Hamburg |
Quantentheorie |
Welsch |
-- |
Jena |
Quantenmechanik I |
Wipf |
WS05/06 |
Jena |
Quantenmechanik I |
Wipf |
WS05/06 |
Jena |
Quantenmechanik |
Rühl |
2001 |
Kaiserslautern |
Quantenmechanik |
Mannel |
WS94/95 |
Karlsruhe |
Quantenmechanik I |
Vojta |
SS04 |
Karlsruhe |
Quantenmechanik |
Nattermann |
WS01/02 |
Köln |
Quantenmechanik |
Zittartz |
WS95/96 |
Köln |
Quantentheorie |
Stingl |
WS97/98 |
Mnster |
Quantenmechanik I |
Hilf |
WS95/96 |
Oldenburg |
Quantenmechanik |
Holthaus |
WS02/03 |
Oldenburg |
Quantenmechanik für Lehramt |
Krey |
SS99 |
Regensburg |
Quantenmechanik I & II |
Müther |
1998 |
Tübingen |
Quantenmechanik I |
Schopohl |
2002 |
Tübingen |
Theoretische Physik III: Quantentheorie |
Hinrichsen |
SS07 |
Würzburg |
Quantenmechanik I |
Renner |
2008 |
Zürich |
Reconsidering the 1927 Solvay Conference |
Bacciagaluppi… |
2006 |
-- |
Quantum Mechanics (nonlinear PDE point of view) |
Komech |
2005 |
-- |
Quantum Mechanics I |
Mulders |
2001 |
Amsterdam |
Quantum Mechanics |
Fitzpatrick |
2006 |
Austin TX |
Everything You Wanted to Know About Hydrogen |
Telfer |
1996 |
Baltimore, MD |
Quantum Principles and Particles |
1992 |
Lecture Notes in Quantum Mechanics |
Cohen |
2006 |
Beer-Sheva ISR |
Lectures on Quantum Physics and Applications |
Dimotakis |
1980 |
Caltech CA |
Quantum Mechanics |
Townsend |
Cambridge UK |
Pedestrian notes on quantum mechanics |
Rosu |
1994 |
Gto MX |
Notes on Quantum Mechanics |
Schulten |
2000 |
Illinois |
Quantum Mechanics |
Plenio |
2002 |
London UK |
Quantum Mechanics I |
Walet |
1998 |
Manchester UK |
Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy |
Kuno |
2006 |
Notre Dame |
The Physics of Quantum Mechanics |
Binney |
2008 |
Oxford |
Do we really understand quantum mechanics? |
Laloë |
2001 |
Paris |
Bibliographic guide to the foundations of quantum mechanics |
Cabello |
2004 |
Sevillia ESP |
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (PHY567) |
Souder |
2002 |
Syracuse NY |
Web-Based Quantum Mechanics Course |
Breinig |
2000 |
Tennessee |
Elementary Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics |
Rosu |
2000 |
Ugto MX |
Quantum Mechanics |
Grob |
2005 |
Ulm |
Quantenmechanik II |
Relativistische Quantentheorie (Quantentheorie II) |
Beneke |
SS06 |
Aachen |
Relativistische Quantenmechanik |
Roepstorff |
SS97 |
Aachen |
Quantum Mechanics II |
Mulders |
2000 |
Amsterdam |
Quantenmechanik I + II |
Meißner & Speth |
WS97/98 |
Bonn |
Quantentheorie II |
Monien |
SS97 |
Bonn |
Quantentheorie II |
Petry |
2000 |
Bonn |
Quantentheorie II |
Schütte |
SS92 |
Bonn |
Pauli- und Dirac-Gleichung (Theorie des Spin) |
Noak |
WS95/96 |
Bremen |
Quantentheorie II |
Soff |
WS98/99 |
Dresden |
Quantenmechanik II |
Kopietz & Kollar |
SS0 |
Frankfurt |
Streutheorie |
van Hess |
1997 |
Giessen |
Quantenmechanik II |
Fredenhagen |
SS01 |
Hamburg |
Quantenmechanik II |
Wipf |
WS08/09 |
Jena |
Quantenmechanik II |
Wipf |
SS06 |
Jena |
Quantenmechanik II |
Wipf |
SS06 |
Jena |
Quantenmechanik II |
Hollik |
SS95 |
Karlsruhe |
Quantenmechanik II |
Müller-Hartmann |
SS98 |
Köln |
Quantenmechanik II |
Holthaus |
SS03 |
Oldenburg |
Quantenmechanik II |
Sigrist |
2006 |
Zürich |
Path Integrals and Their Application to Dissipative Quantum Systems |
Ingold |
2002 |
Augsburg |
Quantum Mechanics II |
Fitzpatrick |
2006 |
Austin TX |
Spin and the Addition of Angular Momentum |
Corbo |
2007 |
Berkeley |
An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. I. From Relativity to Dirac Equation |
De Sanctis |
2007 |
Bogota CLB |
Advanced Quantum Mechanics (AP3051TUG) |
Nazarov & Blanter |
-- |
Delft |
Path Integral Methods and Applications |
MacKenzie |
2000 |
Montreal CA |
Lectures on Advanced Quantum Mechanics |
Dyson |
2006 |
Princeton |
An Introduction into the Feynman Path Integral |
Grosche |
1993 |
Trieste ITA |
Statistik und Thermodynamik |
Thermodynamik |
Kastrup |
SS98 |
Aachen |
Irreversible Thermodynamik |
Schnakenberg |
WS94/95 |
Aachen |
Stochastische Prozesse II |
Schnakenberg |
SS97 |
Aachen |
Thermodynamik |
Schnakenberg |
SS96 |
Aachen |
Thermodynamik |
Schnakenberg |
WS98/99 |
Aachen |
Thermodynamik |
Schnakenberg |
SS99 |
Aachen |
Thermodynamik |
Schollwöck |
SS06 |
Aachen |
Thermodynamik |
Brand |
SS96 |
Bayreuth |
Mathematische Physik II - Statistische Mechanik |
Knauf & Seiler |
WS06/07 |
Berlin |
Thermodynamik und Statistik |
Wünsche |
2001 |
Berlin |
Statistische Thermodynamik |
Werner |
1991 |
Braunschweig |
Statistische Thermodynamik |
Werner |
1991 |
Braunschweig |
Grundlagen der Statistischen Mechanik |
Noack |
1989 |
Bremen |
Grundlagen der Statistischen Mechanik |
Noak |
WS89/90 |
Bremen |
Ab-initio Thermodynamics |
Blöchl |
2004 |
Clausthal |
Statistical Physics |
Blöchl |
2006 |
Clausthal |
Thermodynamik und Statistik |
Lücke |
SS99 |
Clausthal |
Statistische Physik |
Uhrig |
SS05 |
Dortmund |
Thermodynamik und Statistik |
Uhrig |
WS07/08 |
Dortmund |
Thermodynamik und Statistische Physik |
Soff |
1998 |
Dresden |
Thermodynamik und Statistik |
Cassing |
SS99 |
Giessen |
Statistische Mechanik |
Horner |
2004 |
Heidelberg |
Statistical Mechanics |
Wegner |
SS02 |
Heidelberg |
Statistische Mechanik |
Wegner |
SS02 |
Heidelberg |
Statistische Physik |
Welsch |
-- |
Jena |
Thermodynamik |
Welsch |
-- |
Jena |
Thermodynamik/Statistik (Lehramt) |
Welsch |
-- |
Jena |
Theoretische Physik F (Statistische Physik) |
Schön |
SS06 |
Karlsruhe |
Theorie F: Statistik |
Vojta |
SS03 |
Karlsruhe |
Theorie F: Statistik |
Wölfle |
SS08 |
Karlsruhe |
Dynamik Stochastischer Systeme: (Master/LangevinFokker) |
Janssen |
WS01/02 |
Köln |
Statistische Physik I |
Müller-Hartmann |
1972 |
Köln |
Statistische Physik I & II |
Nattermann |
WS98/99 |
Köln |
Statistische Physik I |
Zittartz |
1997 |
Köln |
Statistische Physik |
Stingl |
SS98 |
Münster |
Statistische Physik |
Holthaus |
SS06 |
Oldenburg |
Statistische Mechanik |
Müther |
WS00/01 |
Tübingen |
Klassische Thermodynamik |
Hinrichsen |
WS01/02 |
Wuppertal |
Theorie der Wärme |
Blatter |
2008 |
Zürich |
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics |
Fitzpatrick |
-- |
Austin TX |
Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics |
Baxter |
2004 |
Australia |
Statistical mechanics II |
McCurdy |
2006 |
Berkeley |
Grundkurs Physik: Klassische Thermodynamik |
Ryder |
SS03 |
Bremen |
Fluctuation-Dissipation: Response Theory in Statistical Physics |
Marconi... |
2008 |
Camerino ITA |
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity |
Sethna |
2008 |
Cornell |
Statistical Mechanics in a Nutshell |
Rau |
1998 |
Dresden |
Introduction to thermodynamics of spin models |
Berche & Lopez |
2005 |
Nancy Frau |
Statistical Mechanics |
Tuckerman |
New York |
Statistical Physics |
Galperin & Feder |
Oslo |
Statistical Mechanics |
Binney |
2002 |
Oxford |
Lectures on Statistical Mechanics (I) |
Wightman & Marsden |
1966 |
Princeton |
Lectures on Statistical Mechanics (II) |
Wightman & Marsden |
1967 |
Princeton |
Statistical mechanics of Nonequilibrium Liquids |
Evans & Morriss |
1990 |
Sydney A |
Lecture Notes in Statistical Mechanics |
Vilfan |
2002 |
Trieste ITA |
Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics |
Schulten |
2003 |
Urbana IL |
Thermal and Statistical Physics |
Gould |
2008 |
Worcester, MA |
Statistical Physics |
Sigrist |
2008 |
Zürich |
Einführung in die Experimentelle Physik |
Optik und Wellenlehre(Physik III) |
Flügge |
-- |
Aachen |
Physik I |
Hebbeker |
WS01/02 |
Aachen |
Physik I Einleitung: Methoden der Physik |
Hebbeker |
WS01/02 |
Aachen |
Physik II |
Hebbeker |
SS02 |
Aachen |
Physik III |
Hebbeker |
WS02/03 |
Aachen |
Physik IV |
Hebbeker |
SS05 |
Aachen |
Atom- und Molekülphysik |
Kempter |
SS95 |
Clausthal |
Einführung in die Physik I+II |
Kempter |
-- |
Clausthal |
Experimentalphysik I |
Kempter |
WS02/03 |
Clausthal |
Experimentalphysik II |
Kempter |
SS02 |
Clausthal |
Experimentalphysik 1: Mechanik & Wärme |
Kip |
WS07/08 |
Clausthal |
Experimentalphysik 2: Elektromagnetismus |
Kip |
SS07 |
Clausthal |
Einführende Vorlesung zum Praktikum I |
Schwarzer |
WS04/05 |
Clausthal |
Physik III |
Bayer |
WS06/07 |
Dortmund |
Physik IV |
Bayer |
SS07 |
Dortmund |
Physik 1 (Elektrotechniker) |
Blochwitz |
2005 |
Dresden |
Physik 2 für Elektrotechniker |
Blochwitz |
2005 |
Dresden |
Physik für Verkehrsingenieure |
Goldberg |
SS01 |
Dresden |
Experimentalphysik I |
Loewenhaupt |
Dresden |
Experimentalphysik II |
Loewenhaupt |
Dresden |
Experimentalphysik III |
Schubert |
-- |
Dresden |
Physik 1 |
Gross |
WS99/00 |
Garching |
Physik 3 |
Gross |
WS02/03 |
Garching |
Physik 4 |
Gross |
SS03 |
Garching |
Optik+Thermodynamik |
Dormann |
WS98 |
Karlsruhe |
Experimentalphysik I: Mechanik |
Herrmann |
1997 |
Karlsruhe |
Experimentalphysik II: Elektrodynamik |
Herrmann |
1997 |
Karlsruhe |
Experimentalphysik II: Elektrodynamik |
Herrmann |
1997 |
Karlsruhe |
Experimentalphysik III: Thermodynamik |
Herrmann |
2003 |
Karlsruhe |
Experimentalphysik IV: Optik |
Herrmann |
1997 |
Karlsruhe |
Technische Thermodynamik I+II |
Schaber |
2006 |
Karlsruhe |
Elektrodynamik |
Wegener |
SS98 |
Karlsruhe |
Mechanik |
Wegener |
WS97 |
Karlsruhe |
Thermodynamik |
Wegener |
WS02 |
Karlsruhe |
Thermodynamik |
Wegener |
WS00/01 |
Karlsruhe |
Physik I |
Klümper |
WS98/99 |
Köln |
Physik I |
Schadschneider |
WS04/05 |
Köln |
Physik II |
Schadschneider |
SS05 |
Köln |
Experimentalphysik I: Mechanik und Wärme |
von Harrach |
WS97/98 |
Mainz |
Experimentalphysik II: Elektromagnetismus und Optik |
von Harrach |
SS98 |
Mainz |
Physik für Elektrotechniker |
Kalvius |
WS97/98 |
München |
Physik 3 |
Schober |
WS00/01 |
München |
Physik 4 |
Schober |
SS 01 |
München |
Experimentalphysik III: Atomphysik |
Baumann & Lutz |
2000 |
Tübingen |
Experimentalphysik I |
Ihringer |
2006 |
Tübingen |
Experimentalphysik II |
Ihringer |
2006 |
Tübingen |
Classical Electrodynamics |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Motion Mountain physics textbook (1300+pages) |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Physics 1 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Optics |
Crowell |
1998 |
-- |
Electromagnetism and Optics (PHY 302l) |
Fitzpatrick |
1999 |
Austin TX |
Conservation Laws |
Crowell |
2008 |
Fullerton, CA |
Electricity and Magnetism |
Crowell |
2008 |
Fullerton, CA |
Newtonian Physics |
Crowell |
2008 |
Fullerton, CA |
Vibrations and Waves |
Crowell |
2008 |
Fullerton, CA |
A Heat Transfer Textbook |
Lienhard & Lienhard |
2006 |
Optics |
Ewart |
2007 |
Oxford UK |
A Radically Modern Approach to Introductory Physics |
Raymond |
2006 |
Socorro, NM |
A Radically Modern Approach to Introductory Physics II |
Raymond |
2006 |
Socorro, NM |
Optics |
Suson |
1999 |
Texas A&M |
Geometric Optics |
Tatum |
2006 |
Victoria CAN |
Heat and Thermodynamics |
Tatum |
2008 |
Victoria CAN |
Nuclear Physics |
1986 |
Washington |
Experimentelle Physik |
Einführung in Datenverarbeitung und Statistik |
Hebbeker |
-- |
Aachen |
Elementarteilchenphysik I |
Hebbeker |
SS04 |
Aachen |
Elementarteilchenphysik II |
Hebbeker |
WS04/05 |
Aachen |
Experimente an e+ e- - Beschleunigern |
Hebbeker |
WS96/97 |
Berlin |
Proton (Anti-)Proton Collider Physics |
Hebbeker |
WS03/04 |
Berlin |
Teilchendetektoren |
Hebbeker |
SS97 |
Berlin |
Experimentalphysik 5: Festkörperphysik |
Kip |
WS04/05 |
Clausthal |
Integrierte Optik |
Kip |
SS06 |
Clausthal |
Nichtlineare Optik |
Kip |
WS05/06 |
Clausthal |
Einführung in die Atom- und Molekülphysik |
Artl |
WS03/04 |
Hannover |
Online-Skript Teilchen und Kerne |
Paul… |
2005 |
München |
Introduction to Subatomic-Particle Spectrometers |
Kaplan & Nelson |
1998 |
Chicago IL |
Nuclear and Particle Physics (Physics 615) |
Walet |
2000 |
Manchester |
Molecular spectroscopy |
Kuno |
-- |
Notre Dame |
Atomic Physics |
Ewart |
2006 |
Oxford UK |
Quantum Computing & Quantenoptik |
Quantum Computation |
Lomonaco |
2002 |
Baltimore |
Quantum Information and Computation |
Preskill |
2006 |
Caltech |
Quantum Computation |
Vazirani |
2007 |
Berkeley |
Quantum computation: a tutorial |
Braunstein |
1995 |
York UK |
Quantum Computation. Mini-Course |
Berthiaume |
1996 |
Aarhus DK |
Quantum Information Theory - an Invitation |
Werner |
2001 |
Braunschweig |
All Teleportation and Dense Coding Schemes |
Werner |
2000 |
Braunschweig |
Quantum entanglement |
Horodecki |
2007 |
Gdansk PL |
Quantum Computation |
Lloyd |
2005 |
Quantum Computation (AMS Short Course) |
Lomonaco |
2002 |
Washington |
Quantum Information and Computation |
Watrous |
2006 |
Waterloo |
Quantum computing |
Eisert & Wolf |
2004 |
London UK |
Quantum Information Theory |
Renner |
2008 |
Zürich |
Computational Quantum Physics |
Forcrand & Troyer |
2008 |
Zürich |
Temple of Quantum Computing |
Perry |
2006 |
Introduction to Quantum Optics |
Manko |
1995 |
Moscow RU |
Gaussian states in continuous variable quantum information |
Ferraro… |
2005 |
Barcelona ESP |
Tutorial: Quantum Information & Cold Atoms |
Zoller |
Innsbruck |
Introduction to NMR Quantum Information Processing |
Laflamme... |
2002 |
Waterloo |
Introduction to Coherent States and Quantum Information Theory |
Fujii |
2001 |
Yokohama YA |
Introduction to decoherence theory |
Hornberger |
2006 |
München |
Philosophical Aspects of Quantum Information Theory |
Timpson |
2006 |
Leeds UK |
Introduction to Quantum Computation |
Chatterjee |
2003 |
Kolkata IN |
Introduction to Quantum Computers and Quantum Algorithms |
Zalka |
2003 |
Waterloo CAN |
An Introduction to Quantum Computing |
Yanofsky |
2007 |
Brooklyn NY |
Basic concepts in quantum computation |
Ekert…. |
2000 |
Oxford |
A Rosetta Stone for Quantum Computation |
Lomonaco |
2000 |
Baltimore MD |
Quantum Information and Computing |
Werner |
WS96/97 |
Braunschweig |
Intoduction to Quantum Information Processing |
Lücke |
SS05 |
Clausthal |
Introduction to Photonics |
Lücke |
WS04/05 |
Clausthal |
Quantenoptische Bauelemente |
Sterr |
WS02/03 |
Hannover |
Quantenoptik |
Welsch |
-- |
Jena |
Quantenoptik |
Laubereau |
1999 |
München |
Quanten-Information und Quanten-Computing |
Buhmann & Hinrichsen |
SS08 |
Würzburg |
Information, Science, and Technology in a Quantum World |
2002 |
Los Alamos |
Der Quantencomputer |
München |
Festkörperphysik |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik I |
Scheffler… |
2001 |
Berlin |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik II |
Schöne… |
SS01 |
Berlin |
Beschreibung chemischer Reaktionen und molekularer Dynamik |
Blöchl |
2008 |
Clausthal |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik |
Klümper |
-- |
Dortmund |
Festkörpertheorie I |
Uhrig |
SS08 |
Dortmund |
Stark korrelierte Systeme der Festkörperphysik |
Uhrig |
SS03 |
Dortmund |
Festkörperphysik I+II |
Gross |
2005 |
Garching |
Spinelektronik |
Gross |
SS04 |
Garching |
Magnetismus |
Opel |
WS04/05 |
Garching |
Quantenstrukturbauelemente |
Haug |
SS03 |
Hannover |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik |
Wegner |
WS01/02 |
Heidelberg |
Bandmagnetismus: Oberflächen ultradünne Filme und Hyperfeinfelder |
Bluegel |
-- |
Jülich |
Magnetische Anisotropie und Magnetostriktion (Theorie) |
Bluegel |
-- |
Jülich |
Magnetische Wechselwirkung: homogenes Elektronengas |
Bluegel |
-- |
Jülich |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik I |
Bluegel |
-- |
Jülich |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik II |
Bluegel |
-- |
Jülich |
Theorie der Rastertunnelmikroskopie |
Bluegel |
-- |
Jülich |
Nanoelektronik |
Eschrig |
SS08 |
Karlsruhe |
Theorie der Kondensierten Materie I |
Shnirman |
WS08/09 |
Karlsruhe |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik I |
Müller-Hartmann |
WS05/06 |
Köln |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik II |
Müller-Hartmann |
SS06 |
Köln |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik II |
Schadschneider |
SS00 |
Köln |
Tieftemperaturphysik |
Kinder |
SS04 |
München |
Magnetismus und Magnetoelektronik |
Krey |
SS02 |
Regensburg |
Theoretische Festkörperphysik |
Krey |
WW98/99 |
Regensburg |
Symmetrie in physikalischen Eigenschaften des Festkörpers |
Ihringer |
2001 |
Tübingen |
Festkörperphysik II |
Blatter |
2006 |
Zürich |
Festkörperphysik |
Sigrist |
2008 |
Zürich |
Festkörperphysik II |
Sigrist |
2008 |
Zürich |
Quantum Electronics in Semiconductors |
Barnes |
Cambridge |
Theories of Mesoscopic Physics |
Simons & Altland |
2001 |
Cambridge UK |
The Electronic Structure of Matter |
Blöchl |
2008 |
Clausthal |
The Electronic Structure of Matter II |
Blöchl |
2008 |
Clausthal |
Advanced Solid State Theory (AP3221TUD) |
Nazarov & Grifoni |
-- |
Delft |
Quantum Transport (NS3571TU) |
-- |
Delft |
Transport Theory |
Rau |
SS97 |
Dresden |
Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors |
Timm |
2005 |
Dresden |
Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures |
Beenakker & van Houten |
1991 |
Eindhoven |
Britney's Guide to Semiconductor Physics |
Wah, Hepburn & Bola |
Essex UK |
Transport in Single Channel Quantum Wires |
Grabert |
2001 |
Freiburg |
Electronic structure of matter: Reduced dimensions |
Blügel |
-- |
Jülich |
Spintronics: Transport and Materials |
Bluegel |
-- |
Jülich |
Noise in mesoscopic physics |
Martin |
2005 |
Marseille FR |
Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: A Workbook |
Kuno |
2005 |
Notre Dame |
Introduction to Modern Solid State Physics |
Galperin |
Oslo |
Non-Stationary Electric and Optical Properties of Bulk Conductin |
Galperin |
1997 |
Oslo |
Quantum Transport |
Galperin |
1998 |
Oslo |
Semiconductor Spintronics |
Fabian… |
2007 |
Regensburg |
Lecture Notes on Surface Science |
Hofmann |
2005 |
U. Arhus |
Solid State physics |
Jarrell |
1991 |
U. Cincinnati |
Electron Transport At The Nanoscale |
Brocks |
2005 |
U. Delaware |
Transport theory of mesoscopic systems: application to ballistic transport |
Stone |
U. Delaware |
Solid State II |
Hirschfeld |
2001 |
U. Florida |
Electronic Transport in Meso- and Nano-Scale Conductors |
Lesovik |
2008 |
Zürich |
Supraleitung, BEC & QHE |
Der Quanten-Hall-Effekt |
Tscheuschner |
1998 |
Bochum |
Quanten-Hall-Effekt |
Becker |
SS03 |
Dresden |
Bose-Einstein-Kondensation |
Artl |
WS05/06 |
Hannover |
Der Quanten-Hall-Effekt |
Bluegel |
-- |
Jülich |
Supraleitung |
Kinder |
WS03/04 |
München |
Unkonventionelle Supraleitung |
Sigrist |
WS05/06 |
Zürich |
BEC Homepage |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Bose Einstein condensates in atomic gases ; simple theoretical results |
Castin |
2000 |
-- |
The Quantum Hall Effect: Novel Excitations and Broken Symmetries |
Girvin |
1999 |
Bloomington, IN |
Introduction to the Physics of the Quantum Hall Regime |
MacDonald |
1994 |
Bloomington, IN |
Making, probing and understanding Bose-Einstein condensates |
Ketterle… |
1999 |
Cambridge, MA |
Microscopic Theory of Superconductivity |
Eschrig |
2008 |
Dresden |
Theory of Superconductivity: A Primer |
Eschrig |
2008 |
Dresden |
High-Temperature Superconductivity (PHZ7428) |
Hirschfeld |
1996 |
Florida |
Applied Superconductivity |
Gross und Marx |
WS05/06 |
Garching |
Superconductivity and Low Temperature Physics I+II |
Gross und Marx |
SS06 |
Garching |
Theory of Superconductivity |
Kopnin |
2008 |
Helsinki FIN |
Universe in a helium droplet |
Volovik |
2003 |
Helsinki FIN |
Field theory for trapped atomic gases |
Stoof |
1999 |
Utrecht |
School on Unconventional Superconductivity |
Sigrist |
WS05/06 |
Zürich |
Vielteilchentheorie der Festkörperphysik |
Fermiflüssigkeit und Luttingerflüssigkeit |
Uhrig |
WS04/05 |
Dortmund |
Phasenübergänge und kritische Phänomene |
Timm |
SS00 |
Dresden |
Vielteilchentheorie |
Timm |
WS08/09 |
Dresden |
Vielteilchentheorie des Festkörpers |
Pruschke |
SS04 |
Göttingen |
Vielteilchentheorie |
Potthoff |
SS08 |
Hamburg |
Grassmann-Variablen |
Wegner |
2002 |
Heidelberg |
Einführung in die Vielteilchenphysik |
Müller-Hartmann |
2008 |
Köln |
Many-particle systems |
Moore |
2004 |
Berkeley |
Quantum phases of matter |
Moore |
2002 |
Berkeley |
Quantum Condensed Matter Field Theory |
Simons |
-- |
Cambridge UK |
Theory of Many-Particle Systems |
Brouwer |
2005 |
Cornell |
Green's functions |
van Hess |
2004 |
Giessen |
Statistical physics |
van Hess |
2008 |
Giessen |
Quantum Magnetism Approaches to Strongly Correlated Electrons |
Auerbach |
1998 |
Haifa ISR |
Wick Theorem & Normal Ordering |
Wegner |
2002 |
Heidelberg |
Concepts of Theoretical Solid State Physics |
Altland |
-- |
Köln |
Quantum Condensed Matter Physics |
Nayak |
2004 |
Los Angeles CA |
Many-body theory of non-equilibrium systems |
Kamenev |
2004 |
Minneapolis, MN |
Introduction to Many-Body Physics |
Coleman |
2004 |
Rutgers NY |
Mott Insulators, Spin Liquids and Quantum Disordered Superconductivity |
Fisher |
1998 |
Santa Barbara |
An introduction to bosonization |
Senechal |
1999 |
Sherbrooke CA |
Quantenfeldtheorie |
Ausgewählte Kapitel der Quantenfeldtheorie |
Roepstorff |
SS01 |
Aachen |
Mathematische Methoden der Quantenfeldtheorie |
Roepstorff |
-- |
Aachen |
Quantenfeldtheorie |
Roepstorff |
WS00/01 |
Aachen |
Relativistische Quantenmechanik |
Roepstorff |
SS97 |
Aachen |
Algebraische Methoden der Quantentheorie |
Keyl |
SS99 |
Braunschweig |
Aspekte der Quantenelektrodynamik |
Noak |
SS05 |
Bremen |
Quantenfeldtheorie |
Soff |
WS01/02 |
Dresden |
Quantenfeldtheorie |
Cassing |
SS02 |
Giessen |
Quantenelektrodynamik |
Mosel |
SS99 |
Giessen |
Einführung in die Quantenfeldtheorie |
Thoma |
WS96/97 |
Giessen |
Quantenfeldtheorie 2 |
Wipf |
SS07 |
Jena |
Einführung in Konforme Feldtheorien |
Wipf |
-- |
Jena |
Quantenfeldtheorie |
Hollik |
1995 |
Karlsruhe |
Quantenelektrodynamik |
Wieczerkowski |
SS98 |
Münster |
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory |
Crewther |
1995 |
Adelaide |
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory |
Crewther |
1995 |
Adelaine |
Lectures on Quantum Field Theory |
Borcherds & Barnard |
2002 |
Berkley CA |
Quantum Field Theory |
Tong |
2007 |
Cambridge |
Introduction to Superstring Theory |
Kiritsis |
1997 |
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime |
Wald |
1995 |
Chicago |
Particles and Fields |
Lücke |
SS98 |
Clausthal |
Field Theory and Standard Model |
Buchmüller & Lüdeling |
2006 |
Introductory Lectures on Quantum Field Theory |
Alvarez-Gaume… |
2005 |
Geneva |
Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Field Theory |
van Hess |
2006 |
Giessen |
Introduction to Supersymmetry |
Wipf |
2001 |
Jena |
Path Integrals |
Wipf |
WS08/09 |
Jena |
Selected Topics in QFT |
Wipf |
SS97 |
Jena |
Quantum fields near black holes |
Wipf |
-- |
Jena |
Quantum Field Theory |
Schellekens |
2008 |
Monschau |
Field Theory and the Standard Model |
Novikov |
1998 |
Moscow |
What is String Theory |
Polchinski |
1994 |
St. Barbara CA |
Quantum Field Theory |
Srednicki |
2006 |
St. Barbara CA |
Fields |
Siegel |
1999 |
Stony Brook |
Free comprehensive textbook on QFT |
Siegel |
1999 |
Stony Brooks NY |
Teilchenphysik & String Theorie |
Review of Particle Physics (HUGE) |
-- |
2006 |
-- |
Introduction to String Theory |
Schellekens |
-- |
-- |
A Supersymmetry Primer |
Martin |
1997 |
Batavia IL |
Five lectures on effective field theory |
Kaplan |
2005 |
Berkeley, CA |
An Introduction to Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Matrix Mode |
Argurio, Ferretti& Heis |
2003 |
Brussles B |
A QCD Primer |
Altarelli |
2002 |
CERN, Geneva |
Introduction to Superstring Theory |
Kiritsis |
1997 |
CERN, Geneva |
Introduction to String Theory |
Mohaupt |
2002 |
Jena |
Introduction to String Theory |
Van Proeyen |
2004 |
Leuven |
Introductory Lectures on String Theory |
Tseytlin |
2008 |
London |
String Primer |
Alvarez & Meessen |
1998 |
Madrid |
Lectures on Supersymmetry |
Figueroa-OFarrill |
2001 |
Manchester UK |
Introduction to Supersymmetry |
Bilal |
2001 |
Neuchatel CH |
Supersymmetry and the MSSM: An Elementary Introduction |
Aitchison |
2005 |
Oxford UK |
Introduction to Superstring Theory |
Schwar |
2000 |
Pasadena, CA |
Ten Lectures on the ElectroWeak Interactions |
Barbieri |
2007 |
Pisa IT |
Elementary Particle Physics |
Franzini |
2002 |
Rome |
Standard Model: An Introduction |
Novaes |
2000 |
Sao Paulo BZ |
An Introduction to Supersymmetry |
Drees |
1996 |
Seoul |
What is String Theory? |
Polchinski |
1994 |
St. Barbara CA |
Introduction to string field theory |
Siegel |
2001 |
Stony Brook |
Introduction to String Theory |
T'Hooft |
2004 |
Utrecht |
Quantum Chromodynamics |
Pich |
1995 |
Valencia ESP |
Introduction to Supersymmetric Gauge Theories |
Piguet |
1997 |
Vitoria, E.S |
Interactions, symmetry breaking, and effective fields from quarks to nuclei. (A primer in nuclear theory) |
Dobaczewski |
2003 |
Warsaw PL |
Introduction to Groups, Invariants & Particles |
Firk |
2000 |
Yale |
Relativität und Kosmologie |
Neues aus Astrophysik und Kosmologie |
Hebbeker |
2001 |
Aachen |
Überblick Kosmologie |
Schneider |
-- |
Bonn |
Einführung in die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie |
Lücke |
SS00 |
Clausthal |
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie |
Soff |
WS04/05 |
Frankfurt |
Kosmologische Modelle |
Soff |
SS89 |
Frankfurt |
Geometrie der Relativitätstheorie |
Dragon |
2006 |
Hannover |
Relativitättstheorie |
Stingl |
WS03/04 |
Münster |
Von Newtons Apfel zu Schwarzen Löchern |
Pfister |
2000 |
Tübingen |
Relativitätstheorie und Kosmologie - Eine Einführung |
Hinrichsen |
WS02/03 |
Wuppertal |
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie |
Graf |
2008 |
Zürich |
Gravitational Waves and Black Holes |
van Holten |
1997 |
Amsterdam |
Introduction to astrophysics and cosmology through Maple |
Kalashnikov |
2001 |
Belarussia |
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie I |
Borzeszkowski |
1999 |
Berlin |
Cosmology for Particle Physicists |
Yajnik |
2008 |
Bombay |
Weak Gravitational Lensing |
Schneider |
2005 |
Bonn |
An introduction to the mechanics of black holes |
Compere |
2006 |
Bruxelles BL |
Gravitational Waves - A Web-Based Course |
Thorne… |
2002 |
Caltech |
Black Holes |
Townsend |
1997 |
Cambridge UK |
Lecture Notes on General Relativity |
Carroll |
1997 |
Chicago |
TASI Lectures: Introduction to Cosmology |
Trodden & Carroll |
2004 |
Chicago |
Advanced Topics in Cosmology: A Pedagogical Introduction |
Padmanabhan |
2006 |
Ganeshkhind |
Lectures on Gravitational Lensing |
Narayan/Bartelmann |
1996 |
Garching |
Lectures on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology |
Anchordoqui |
2007 |
Milwaukee |
Introduction to Modern Canonical Quantum Gravity |
Thiemann |
2001 |
Potsdam |
Relativity, Space-Time and Cosmology |
Wudka |
2000 |
Riverside CA |
Les Houches Lectures on Black Holes |
Strominger |
1995 |
St. Barbara |
Lectures on Inflationary Cosmology |
Linde |
1994 |
Stanford |
The Field of Solar Physics |
-- |
Washington |
Black-Hole Phenomenology |
Bilic |
2006 |
Zagreb CR |
Contuinuumsmechanik und Hydrodynamik |
Hydromechanik/Hydraulik |
Koch |
WS02/03 |
Kassel |
Einführung in die Hydrodynamik |
Brink-Spalink & Wolff |
WS02/03 |
Oldenburg |
Kontinuumsmechanik |
Sigrist |
2006 |
Zürich |
Basics of Fluid Mechanics |
Bar-Meir |
2008 |
-- |
Fundamentals of Compressible Flow Mechanics |
Bar-Meir |
2008 |
-- |
Lecture Notes on Fluid Dynamics |
McIntyre |
2002 |
Cambridge UK |
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics |
Kennett |
-- |
Canberra A |
Introduction to Turbulence |
McDonough |
2007 |
Kentucky |
Lectures in CFD of incompressible Flow |
McDonough |
2007 |
Kentucky |
A Practical Introduction to Numerical Hydrodynamics |
Mellema |
2003 |
Leiden |
Solution Methods in computational fluids dynamics |
Pulliam |
-- |
Moffett Field, CA |
Fluid mechanics. Foundations |
Gallavotti |
2000 |
Rome |
Waves (from Strings to traffic flow) |
Robertus |
-- |
Sheffield UK |
Plasmaphysik |
Computersimulation von Plasmen |
Kull |
WS03/04 |
Aachen |
Plasmaphysik |
Kull |
WS06/07 |
Aachen |
Introduction to Plasma Physics |
Fitzpatrick |
-- |
Austin TX |
Introduction to Plasma Physics |
Howard |
2002 |
Australia |
Introduction to Plasma physics |
Gedalin |
2006 |
Israel |
Dichtefunktionaltheorie |
Full-Potential Linearized Augmented Planewave Method |
Blügel |
-- |
Jülich |
Density functional approach to the many-body problem |
van Leeuwen |
-- |
Groningen |
The ABC of DFT |
Burke… |
2007 |
Irvine, CA |
Density Functional Theory (DFT) in Practice |
Blügel |
-- |
Jülich |
Density Functional Theory |
Giannozzi |
2005 |
Pisa |
Electronic Structure of Solids |
Giannozzi |
2002 |
Pisa |
A bird's-eye view of density-functional theory |
Capelle |
-- |
Sao Paulo BRZ |
Density Functional Theory -- an introduction |
Argaman & Makov |
-- |
St. Barbara, CA |
Physik und Musik |
Theorie zur Physik der Musikinstrumente |
Lücke |
SS03 |
Clausthal |
Music: a Mathematical Offering |
Benson |
2008 |
Aberdeen UK |
The Physics of Music and Musical Instruments |
Lapp |
2003 |
Medford, MA |
The Physical Basis Of Music |
Jaynes |
-- |
St Louis |
Geophysik and Metrologie |
Mathematics of Climate Change Book |
Mackenzie |
2007 |
Berkeley, CA |
Meteorology Guide |
-- |
-- |
Illinois |
Atmospheric Convection |
Raymond |
2007 |
Socorro, NM |
Causality in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
Raymond |
2000 |
Socorro, NM |
Physics of Weather and Climate II |
Raymond |
2008 |
Socorro, NM |
Basic Earth Imagining |
Claerbout |
2008 |
Stanford CA |
Earth Soundings Analysis |
Claerbout |
1992 |
Stanford CA |
Fundamentals of geophysical Data Processing |
Claerbout |
1976 |
Stanford CA |
Geophysical Soundings Image Construction |
Claerbout |
2008 |
Stanford CA |
Imaging the eatrths interior |
Claerbout |
1985 |
Stanford CA |
Max Fairbairn's Planetary Photometry |
Tatum |
2005 |
Victoria CAN |
Astrophysik |
Astrophysik-Einführungs-Skript |
Sedlmayer |
1999 |
Berlin |
Sternaufbau |
Sedlmayer |
1999 |
Berlin |
Geodesy and Gravity |
Wahr_ |
1999 |
Colorado |
Kerne und Sterne |
Wagner |
SS04 |
Dresden |
Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik I |
Schmitt |
WS04/05 |
Hamburg |
Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik II |
Schmitt |
SS05 |
Hamburg |
Kosmischer Magnetismus |
Schmitt |
WS05/06 |
Hamburg |
Strahlungsprozesse in der Astrophysik |
Schmitt |
SS06 |
Hamburg |
Die Ecksteine des physikalischen Weltbildes |
Nattermann |
2006 |
Köln |
Astronomie und Astrophysik I |
Dudkowski |
SS99 |
Stuttgart |
Materie unter extremen Bedingungen |
Müther |
2000 |
Tübingen |
Mechanism of the Heavens |
from 1831! |
-- |
Astronomy Notes |
Strobel |
-- |
-- |
Special Features of Galactic Dynamics |
Efthymiopoulos… |
2006 |
Athens GRE |
Astronomical Spectroscopy |
Blake |
2004 |
CalTec CA |
Atomic and Molecular Processes in Astronomy & Planetary Science |
Blake |
2004 |
CalTec CA |
The Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems |
Blake |
-- |
CalTec CA |
Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Zombeck |
-- |
Cambridge, MA |
Foundations of Celestial Mechanics |
Collins |
2004 |
Cleveland OH |
The Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics |
Collins |
2003 |
Cleveland OH |
Space Textbook |
Oulo |
-- |
Finland |
Elements of Astrophysics |
Kaiser |
2002 |
Hawaii |
Computational Astrophysics |
Pfalzner |
WS00/01 |
Köln |
Astrophysics Introductory Course |
Bender & Burkert |
WS08/09 |
München |
Galaxies and the Expanding Universe (Astronomy 123) |
Brau |
WS01 |
Oregon |
The Solar System (Astronomy 121) |
Brau |
WS05 |
Oregon |
COSMOLOGY (Astronomy 123) |
Imamura |
-- |
Oregon |
Solar System Dynamics |
Binney |
-- |
Oxford UK |
Stars Galaxies and Cosmology (Astronomy 162) |
-- |
-- |
Tennessee |
The Solar System (Astronomy 161) |
-- |
-- |
Tennessee |
Galaxy systems in the optical and infrared |
Biviano |
2008 |
Trieste IT |
Lectures on Black Hole Thermodynamics |
Jacobson |
-- |
Utrecht |
Celestial Mechanics |
Tatum |
2008 |
Victoria CAN |
Stellar Atmospheres |
Tatum |
2006 |
Victoria CAN |
Bio-Physics |
Zelluläre Grundlagen der Neurophysik |
Meyer-Hermann |
SS99 |
Dresden |
Introducing Protein Folding Using Simple Models |
Thirumalai& Klimov |
2001 |
College Park MD |
Cellular Automata |
Bagnoli |
1998 |
Firenze IT |
Computational Soft Matter: From Synthetic Polymers to Proteins |
Attig…. |
2004 |
Jülich |
Random Matrices, the Ulam Problem, Directed Polymers & Growth Models, and Sequence Matching |
Majumdar |
2007 |
Orsay FR |
A practical guide to stochastic simulations of reaction-diffusion processes |
Erban… |
2007 |
Oxford UK |
The Statistical Mechanics of Membranes |
Bowick & Travesset |
2000 |
Syracuse |
Theory of Polymer Dynamics |
Briels |
1998 |
Twente NL |
Introduction to protein folding for physicists |
Echenique |
2007 |
Zaragoza ESP |
Elektronik für Physiker |
Elektronik für Physiker |
Hebbeker |
SS03 |
Aachen |
Elektronik für Physiker |
Straumann |
WS98/99 |
Heidelberg |
Lessons In Electric Circuits (6 Volumes !) |
Kuphaldt |
2008 |
-- |
Modern Signal Processing |
Rockmore & Healy |
2004 |
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing |
Smith |
-- |
San Diego |
Sonstige Spezialvorlesungen |
Laserphysik |
Kull |
WS97/98 |
Aachen |
Robotik |
Wahl |
WS97/98 |
Braunschweig |
Physik des Lasers |
Huber |
SS04 |
Hamburg |
Physikalische Chemie Praktikumsversuche |
-- |
SS93 |
Karlsruhe |
Physikalische Chemie |
Schindewolf |
1993 |
Karlsruhe |
Kristallographische Grundlagen |
Wondratschek |
1994 |
Karlsruhe |
Kristallographie I |
Ihringer |
2006 |
Tübingen |
The Chaos Hypertextbook |
Elert |
2008 |
-- |
Applications of Classical Physics |
Thorne |
SS04 |
Caltech |
Worked examples in the Geometry of Crystals |
Bhadeshia |
2006 |
Cambridge |
Polymer Physics |
-- |
-- |
Cleveland |
Chaos classic and quantum |
Cvitanovic…. |
2008 |
DK |
Some Crystallographic Concepts |
Wondratschek |
WS96/97 |
Karlsruhe |
Renewable Energy Sources (Physics 162) |
-- |
-- |
Oregon |
An Introduction to Econophysics |
Vasconcelos |
2004 |
Recife BRA |
Sonstige Skriptsammlungen |
Meterologie |
Informatik |
Mathematik |
Informatik |
Mathematik |
Mathematics |
Onlinebibiothek: Mathe, Physik,… |
Mathematik |
Mathematics |
Historical Books about Science and everything |
Free Science |
Textbooks in Mathematics |
Sonstige Links |
particleadventure.org |
Physics in Applets |
How to destroy the Earth |
Movies of Richard Feynman |
FAQ im Physikstudium |
How to give good talks |
Latex Einführung fürs Physik-Praktikum |
LaTeX, Eine Einführung und ein bisschen mehr... (Skript) |
LaTeX, Fortgeschrittene Anwendungen |
Los Alamos Science Magazine |
Interactive Table of Isotopes |
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http://www.fz-juelich.de/iff/staff/Bluegel_S/Lectures/S_Bluegel_lec.html |
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